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Inaugurem la 24ª promoció del curs 2019/2020 del Learning Center!


Seguim impulsant el nostre projecte de formació per s estudiants de Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior

Inaugurem la 24ª promoció del curs 2019/2020 del Learning Center!

On October 11, we started a new promotion of students who will live the adventure of participating in our Learning Center program for the next 5 months.


In this edition we will have 19 students, coming from centers of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, highlighting the incorporation for the first time of students of the ITB Institute (Institut tecnològic de Barcelona).


Students will be trained through the methodology of our Training Program, based on the recreation of a real production environment with training by experts from different knowledge modules, within an exclusive space for personal and professional development.

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Av. Alcalde Barnils, 64-68
Parc Empresarial Sant Joan
08174 - Sant Cugat del Vallès
Barcelona - España
Tel. (+34) 935 906 504


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