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Pact for Science in the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities


From November 13 to 15, the Universidad de Córdoba hosted the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities by the Sectorial Commission of CRUE R+D+i.

Pact for Science in the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities

The event was inaugurated by the president of Crue Universidades Españolas and rector of the Universidad de Córdoba, Mr. Jose Carlos Gómez Villamandos, the General Secretary of Universities, Research and Technology, Ms. Rosa María Rios Sánchez, the rector of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and president of Crue I+D i, Mr. Rafael Garesse, and the Secretary of State for Universities, Research, Development and Innovation, Ms. Ángeles Heras Caballero.


The mayor of Córdoba, José María Bellido, also attended the event welcoming the attendees and inviting them to enjoy the city.


The meeting, has gathered around 525 managers and managers of R & D & I management of the Universities, coming from the Vice-Rectors for Research and Transfer, Red de Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (RedOTRI), Red de Unidades de Gestión de Investigación (RedUGI), Red de Divulgación y Cultura Científica (RedDIVULGA) and Red de Oficinas Europeas de I+D+i (RedOE).


After different debate sessions and work, universities have demanded a State Pact for Science, which includes different measures that are considered essential:



1. Maintain under the same ministry the fields of Science, Innovation and Universities, in order to have a single interlocutor to face the numerous challenges of the knowledge-based society

2. Provide the R+D+I System with the necessary resources to prevent its imminent collapse through the urgent implementation of multi-year plans that progressively increase their financing to reach the European average

3. Strengthen the recruitment and talent retention making more flexible the hiring conditions and designing a stimulating academic career for the Teaching Staff and the Administration and Services Staff that eliminates precariousness

4. Strengthen the management structures and support for the researcher, as well as simplify administrative procedures to reduce bureaucratization and increase the efficiency of the system

5. Provide a greater visualization of women to encourage scientific vocations and strengthen the leadership of women in Science and their presence in responsibility positions

6. Promote all areas of Knowledge, from Experimental and Technological Sciences to Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences, contemplating the singularities of each one and favoring multidisciplinary environments

Source: Crue Notice

A conference that has been a great opportunity to analyze the current situation in the field of research and transfer proposals for improvement to form the basis of a knowledge-based welfare society.

  • Pact for Science in the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities
  • Pact for Science in the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities
  • Pact for Science in the XXVII Research Conference of Spanish Universities

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