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Professor Manuel Pérez Mateos, is the new Rector of Universidad de Burgos

24/05/2016  |  Carlos Símil Saiñas

He has won the election, marked by the high participation among the students, with more than 70% of the votes

Professor Manuel Pérez Mateos, is the new Rector of Universidad de Burgos


Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Manuel Pérez Mateos, has won with more than 70% of the votes the election to the Universidad de Burgos (UBU) Rector´s Office against the 30% of the votes of his opponent, Alfredo Jiménez.That being so, he will be the head of the institution the next 4 years.


Regarding to the polls it is worth stressing the high participation, specially the student vote that has reached a milestone, with almost a 25% of student’s concurrence. The participation has been also high in the other academic sectors, with a 91% of concurrence by the professors, 69,5 % of lecturers and 86,9% of clerical staff and services.


According to the results by centres and faculties, Perez Mateos has won in all but one of them, the faculty of Ciencias de la Educación, where Alfonso Jiménez is professor and announced his candidacy to the Rector´s Office. Something similar happened to Pérez Mateos at Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS), where he got great results.


Finally, and following the electoral timetable, May 20th has been officially announced the new Rector that replaces to Alfonso Murillo, who has been the head of the institution the last 8 years.


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