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Take part in the blood donation Marathon 2.0!

19/01/2017  |  Carlos Simil Saiñas

Banc de sang i Teixits organizes between the 13th and 20th of January, the biggest blood donation campaign of the year

Take part in the blood donation Marathon 2.0!

The biggest blood donation campaign is underway. Banc de sang i Teixits has launched the blood donation Marathon 2.0, under the slogan “Your blood says things. Share it!. This year, the campaign focuses on blood types, because according to a recent survey of Centro de Estudios de Opinion, 40% of the Catalans don´t know their blood type.


The Marathon is underway from January 13th to January 20th  in the main catalan hospitals and for the first time also in the headquarters of Barcelona’s city council and Palau de la Generalitat. The city council´s headquarters of Tarragona, Lleida and Girona have been also open to blood donations last January 13th


With this campaign, Banc de sang i Teixits hopes to get around 8000 donations that will help to increase the blood reserves in Catalunya which according to the last figures have diminished a 25% after last Christmas.


Everyone that wants to take part in the Marathon 2.0, will be able to do it next Wednesday, January 25th, from 10am to 14pm, on the second floor of Module C at our facilities. To donate, you have to be between 18 and 65 years of age, weigh more than 50 kg and be healthy.


We hope to see you there!

  • Take part in the blood donation Marathon 2.0!

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