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The 20th promotion of the SIGMA Learning Center has begun

09/10/2017  |  Carlos Simil

20 new students of different Professional Training Centers in the area of Barcelona will take part in this promotion

20ª promoción del SIGMA Learning Center


Last Friday, October 6th, began the 20th promotion of the SIGMA Learning Center.  20 new students will complete their training with the DAW courses and DAM courses on the next 4 months with the posibility for some of them of being part of SIGMA once their training is over.


During the next months they will specialize on the programming environments and will receive training of Html, java, angular, javascript, UML and user centered design. Apart from the technical knowledge, the students will take part on activities to improve the skills needed for their development in the work force. Thus, during their stage on the SIGMA Learning Center they will also learn how to boost their teamwork, effort and responsibility.

This promotion is formed by 20 students of 9 different Professional Training Centers. Counting them, they are already 414 students who have come to our Learning Center, 30% of which have had the opportunity to continue with their training thanks to the Fundació BCN FP scholarship.


We hope to keep collaborating in the formation of all the Professional Training students that come to our Learning Center and wish you have a good time with us!.



  • The 20th promotion of the SIGMA Learning Center has begun
  • The 20th promotion of the SIGMA Learning Center has begun
  • The 20th promotion of the SIGMA Learning Center has begun

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