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The CYD Foundation publishes new university quality results


The CYD Foundation publishes new university quality results

The CYD Foundation publishes new university quality results

Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo has published its 5th Ranking CYD edition, considered the major independent ranking that measure the education quality of the Spanish university system. The classification helps students to decide in which university want to course their studies, helps university managers in the taking decisions process and promotes valuable information to companies and other social agents.

The Vice President of the foundation, Francesc Solé, remarked that the main classification purpose is to improve the universities transparency parameters. The ranking is made by a multidimensional point of view that measures the university performances, make comparisons and obtain points of references.


In total, a sum of 87% Spanish universities has been evaluated, analyzing 22 knowlodge areas in 2.235 qualifications.

73 Spanish universities, the Autònoma de Barcelona and Universidad de Navarra are situated at the top of the ranking, with 24 indicators of high performance, followed by Pompeu Fabra and Carlos III. Furthermore, the Autonomous Communities that obtained a greater number of indicators were Catalonia, Valencian Community, Madrid and the Basque country.

The final classification were the following:


1. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

2. Universidad de Navarra

3. Universitat Pompeu Fabra

4. Universidad Carlos III

5. Universitat de Girona

6. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

7. Universidad Deusto

8. Universitat de Barcelona

9. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

10. Universitat Ramon Llull


5 of the top 10 exposed universities use SIGMA’s solutions, intensifying our goal to contribute the quality improvement of education institutions.


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