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Today, March 8th, is the International Women´s Day

07/03/2017  |  Carlos Simil Saiñas

The theme of this year focuses on “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”

Today, March 8th, is the International Women´s Day

We are living in an unprecedent technological and golbalized era. Everything around us changes so fast that sometimes we don´t even realise. These changes also affect to the world of work where women have a key role but sadly, these changes don't happen so fast when we talk about pay equity or equal opportunities for women in senior management or director's roles


As an example of this situation, you can read below some articles gathered from national and international media today, March 7th.


 - Only 50 per cent of working agen women are represented in the labour force globally (source:

 - Not a single country has reduce completely the gender gap (source: El Pais)

 - Eight out of 10 executives consider that there are barriers for women when accessing to executive roles (Estudio Women in Business 2017, Grant Thorton)


For this reason the main theme for International Women Day 2017 is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030” to highlight the differences that still exist between men and women in the labour force and with the goal of keep working towars a completely and real equal situation 50-50.


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